Thursday, May 17, 2012

Heading to Heredia!

Tomorrow I embark on a six-week long study abroad program in Heredia, Costa Rica! I'm going to try and blog often, but internet access may be limited so I don't know how frequent I can update. I also will be updating the UNLV volleyball blog as well as journaling by hand, so hopefully I will have a lot to share! So here's the plan (as far as I know):

Fly from Chicago-O'Hare @6:45 to Dallas
Fly from Dallas @11:30 to San Jose (should arrive around 2:30)
My host family will pick me up from the airport and show me their house where I will be staying while I'm there!

As for other details, I don't have much to give yet! I'm taking two Spanish classes at the university--hopefully they won't be too hard! And I'll be returning to the States on June 28th. That's all I have for now but will try my best to keep everyone updated. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, so you're already on your adventure! Que Dios te bendiga!
